Summary: When you are compiling a Help project with the Microsoft Help Workshop, the following error message appears: HC3048 : Nonscrolling region defined after scrolling region
Resolution: Fixing PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project errors is a really difficult task for most computer users. In order to fix your errors and speed up PC, it is recommended that your download the 'PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project Repair Tool'. It's an amazing software which is designed for users to troubleshoot PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project errors efficiently..
Download the PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project repair tool
In order to repair PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project problem, install SmartPCFixer immediately. This optimization tool is already proven to locate, identify, and troubleshoot PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project errors. Your computer should run faster and smoother after using this software.
Manual Solutions
This warning does not affect the resulting Help (.hlp) file, so it can be safely ignored. However, you can change the RTF file to resolve the warning by following these steps, which apply to Microsoft Word 97 and Microsoft Word 2000:What Else Does SmartPCFixer Offer You?
Apart from fixing PRB: HC3048 Warning Appears While Compiling Help Project problems, SmartPCFixer is designed to provide the user's computer system with better optimization, which helps you manage startup items, desktop, browser objects, Internet, system service, Windows optimization, file extensions and so on. With these sophisticated utilities your system is tuned up to run at the optimal state.
SmartPCFixer provides you with Registry Backup, System Backup, Favorites Backup and Folder Backup. In addition, the new built-in function of Restore Point enables you to create a system store point so you can recover your system to a previous state if you do not like the changes you have made. This ensures the safety of your system when you run the registry repair process.
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